What is the “Número de Soporte”?

The “Número de Soporte” is a unique reference number used in Spain, mainly for identification purposes in various administrative procedures, particularly with the Cl@ve system and for declaración de la renta.

numero de soporte tie
soporte registro union

Where to Find It

nie number orange

nie number orange

Depending on your type of document, you can find the “Número de Soporte” in different places:

  1. EU NIE CARD – Certificado de Registro de Ciudadano de la Unión:
    • On the back of the little green NIE card (e.g., 7654321)
    • On the upper right corner if you still have a green A4 document

!!!  To introduce this number on official web pages, add the letter

“C” in front of the number and if it has less than 8 digits, add leading zeros (e.g., C07654321).

  1. TIE CARD – Tarjeta de Extranjero (For NON-EU citizens):
    • On the front upper right corner, preceded by the letter “E” (e.g., E87654321).

!  If the number has less than 8 digits, it is necessary to add zeros between “E” and the rest of the numbers.

  1. DNI (for Spanish citizens):
    • On the front of the card (e.g., ABC654321).

Why You Need It

The “Número de Soporte” is necessary for:

  1. Cl@ve System Registration: Used for secure online identification in Spanish administrative processes.
  2. Accessing Government Services: Required when applying for various public services.
  3. Verification and Identification: Needed in numerous official procedures to verify your identity.


There is NO “Número de Soporte” on the NIE number (Número de NIE certificates – The white A4 non-residential NIE document). Here you can read about the difference between NIE card and NIE number.
If you need numero de soporte you can change your NIE number to the NIE card – we can help you with this procedure.

For more details about Numero de soporte, visit the Agencia Tributaria website.