Difference between NIE, NIE card & TIE

If you are planning to move to Spain, have already done so, or intend to engage in economic activities such as buying a property or starting a business in the country, you may have come across the legal requirements needed to do so. You have probably found a lot of information regarding the NIE, TIE, and NIE card, but are they the same? What is the difference between them? What exactly do you need in your specific case? We hope this article and guide made in 2025 helps clarify any confusion you might have. 

What is the NIE? 

nie number orange

All foreigners who plan to carry out economic, professional or social activities in Spain need to interact with the Spanish administration and, therefore, require an identification number. This number is called NIE (Número de Identidad de Extranjero), which translates to Foreigner Identification Number in English.

The NIE is assigned once and for life by the Spanish authorities. However, it does not grant legal residency; it simply serves as an identification number for foreigners in Spain. The NIE, also referred to as white NIE, can be issued at a Foreigners’ Office (Oficina de Extranjería) of the National Police in Spain or at a Spanish consulate abroad. 

The application process differs for EU and non-EU citizens: 

  • EU citizens must provide a valid reason for requesting a NIE (e.g., buying property, opening a business or taking a short-term job). 
  • Non-EU citizens automatically receive their NIE when they obtain a residence visa or residence permit. However, if they need a NIE for economic reasons (such as buying property or opening a business without planning to reside in Spain), they can apply at a national police station without needing a visa or residence permit. 

What is the NIE card? 

nie barcelona card

The NIE card, also known as the Green NIE, NIE Verde, or Certificado de Registro de Ciudadano de la Unión Europea (CUE), is an official document that certifies legal residency in Spain only for citizens of the European Union (EU), the European Economic Area (EEA) and Switzerland. 

This document is mandatory if you plan to live in Spain for more than 3 months. It is issued by the Foreigners’ Office of the National Police in the province of Spain where you reside or where you are planning to reside You must book an appointment online in advance to apply for your NIE card. Walk-ins are not accepted, and appointments cannot be made at the police station or by phone. 

To qualify for the NIE card, you must meet at least one of the following conditions: 

  • You have a job offer for more than three months with a Spanish employer (you need to provide the original job offer letter). 
  • You are self-employed (autónomo) in Spain for more than three months. 
  • You are a student enrolled for more than three months in a recognized institution and have a European Health Card or private health insurance. 
  • You have sufficient funds to support yourself and have private health insurance in Spain, or you can prove you are paying Social Security in your home country (by showing the S1 form). 
  • You are joining a family member who already has a NIE card and resides in Spain. 
  • You are a posted worker and can provide the A1 form, proving that you continue paying taxes in your home country. 

The NIE card is not an identification document, as it does not include a photo. European citizens can use their national ID card to identify themselves in Spain. 

What is the TIE? 

tie card

But what about foreigners who are not from the EU, EEA, or Switzerland? How can they prove their legal residence in Spain? 

In their case, they need to apply for the TIE (Tarjeta de Identidad de Extranjero), which translates to Foreigner’s Identity Card. 

This card is also issued by the Foreigners’ Office of the National Police and can only be obtained if the applicant holds a visa or residence permit that allows them to stay in Spain for more than 180 days. 

You also need an appointment to apply for the TIE, which must be booked online. At the police station, they will collect the required documentation and take your fingerprints. Your card will be ready for pickup in approximately 30 days. 

All TIEs have an expiration date linked to the duration of the residence permit approved by the government. In most cases, the TIE can be renewed 60 days before its expiration date or up to 90 days after it has expired. 

Unlike the NIE card for EU nationals, the TIE is an official identification document, and all foreigners holding a TIE are required to carry it with them at all times. 


To sum up, the NIE is just an identification number, not proof of legal residence. The NIE card (Green NIE/CUE) is a residence certificate for EU/EEA/Swiss citizens and the TIE is a residence card for non-EU citizens, requiring a visa or residence permit of more than 180 days. 

With this guide, you should now have a clear understanding of what each document is and which one applies to your situation. 

If you need help with your NIE card, NIE nummer or TIE card, don’t hesitate to get in touch with NIE Barcelona.